Warrensburg Hamfest

I got up semi early and made the 85 mile trek up to Warrensburg Hamfest. It was held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds just outside of Warrensburg. Also you never know what you might find or who you might see at these smaller hamfest. In conclusion, do yourself a favor and go to the smaller hamfest and support the little guys. Check out some of my other Hamfests I have attended.

Battery & Solar Setup

Recently I’ve had some people interested in my solar & battery power setup I use to power my radios and sometimes our portable refrigerator in our vehicle. Power Guard 27 battery box. Morningstar Remote Meter is capable of monitoring a dual battery setup. It keeps track of battery charge maximum and minimum on both batteries as well as amp hours charged to each battery. Holding the two outer buttons will reset all values. . I do Read More …